Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gilded Age Assignment 12/1 and 12/2

The Gilded Age – please answer all questions with a separate piece of paper
Click on 36: The Gilded Age: http://www.ushistory.org/us/36.asp
1.       What was the Gilded Age?
2.       What is corruption? Why was it part of the Gilded Age?
36.a Go to this page now: http://www.ushistory.org/us/36a.asp
3.       What did the Pullman Car company produce?
4.       Why was the Transcontinental Railroad important?
5.       What is Manifest Destiny?
6.       What kind of immigrants worked on the railroads?
7.       What is the significance of Promontory Summit?
8.       Why was there a need for government to regulate railroads (Interstate Commerce Commission)?
36.b Go to this page (John D. Rockefeller): http://www.ushistory.org/us/36b.asp
9.       Who was John D. Rockefeller? What company did he control?
10.   What is a captain of industry? What is a robber baron? Are they really just the same thing?
11.   Why was oil such an important part of industrialization?
12. Who was Carnegie?
13. Why was Carnegie’s background important to him? Do you think this had to do with his giving/charities?
14. What type of things did Morgan invest in? Why was he so powerful?
15. Was Morgan necessarily a bad guy?

37.e: New  Attitudes toward wealth: http://www.ushistory.org/us/36e.asp

                16. What is Social Darwinism?
                17. What is the Gospel of Wealth?
                18. What is meant by the “American Dream” according to this section?

EXTRA CREDIT: Columbia World’s Fair - http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA96/WCE/title.html
19. Why was the Chicago Fair so important and popular?
20. Also, research H.H. Holmes here: http://www.inquisitr.com/2329164/who-was-hh-holmes-meet-the-serial-killer-leonardo-dicaprio-will-bring-back-to-life/ How was HH Holmes able to take advantage of the fair?