Thursday, April 30, 2015

Saddam's Rise to Power

Reading Friday (read 15 minutes silently)

Friday and Monday, you will be making a comic strip of how Saddam Hussein rose to power in Iraq. If you need more than what we read already, here are some resources about Saddam's Rise to Power:

Colored pencils are over on the side of the room as well as markers, please put everything back neat. You do not need to draw well, I am more interested in the story than the art. Please have it ready to share on Tuesday.


Monday, April 27, 2015


Today you will be reading THIS article on the end of the Cold War:

Answer the following questions:

1) What did the end of the Cold War mean to the United States?

2) Did the United States actually win the Cold War?

3) Do you think terrorism (9/11) has impacted us as much as the Cold War?


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4/23 and 4/24

4/23 Administer Checkpoint
In both periods, students are to use the answer document (the bubble sheet) to answer the questions related to the Test.  The essay questions should be answered on the back. When the students are done, they can go to and do the work for today and tomorrow.

If periods are quiet and do not talk during the test they will be given two points extra credit SUMMATIVE. MUST BE A GOOD SUB REPORT FOR BOTH DAYS.

4/24 Cold War review

1)     For the first 20 minutes, students are to silent read for reading Friday.  They can use their computers to read as long as they are reading and not facebooking.

In the section labeled “End of Cold War” have students do “Revise” and “Test” for Prague Spring, Détente, and the Collapse of Communism.

3)     Next, They should do the section labeled “Summary activities.” They can do all four, but the End of the Cold War is the most important.

4)     After, they can do fling the teacher. There are three now: 

(have students do all three - they can work together if they chose but they need to be working not goofing off)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Berlin Wall Cartoon and Article

International A Wall Divides Berlin

“Today the endangered frontier of freedom runs through divided Berlin.” President Kennedy, on July 22, 1961, three weeks before the Berlin Wall was erected.  A grim convoy of tanks and troops wound through eastern Berlin in the predawn hours of August 13, 1961
By sunrise, East German soldiers had stretched barbed wire across the city, cutting off the Communist sector from the capitalist. The wire was soon replaced by a network of concrete walls and electrified fences, guarded by armed men, dogs, and minefields, a 30-mile-long barrier separating German from German. Churchill’s Iron Curtain metaphor had become reality. Ostensibly built to keep out saboteurs and subversives, the Berlin Wall was in fact meant to keep East Germans in. Since 1949, 2.5 million had fled the economic hardships and political repression of Germany’s Communist half, creating labor shortages and a “brain drain” of professionals and skilled workers. West Berlin, an island of democracy and capitalism in the midst of East Germany, was the principal escape route. (Since thousands of eastern Berliners worked in western Berlin before the wall was built, defectors could usually evade detection.) 

Through the years, the Soviets had periodically demanded that all Berlin be made a “free city,” with both Western and Soviet occupation troops withdrawn, but the Western powers, fearing a total Communist takeover, had refused. In June 1961, Khrushchev threatened to use nuclear weapons if the “Berlin question” was not swiftly resolved. When heightening tension accelerated the stampede of illegal immigrants, 30,000 East Germans defected in July, Communist authorities decided to stem the flow by force. The wall was their solution. Henceforth, travel eastward would be subject to tight restrictions and travel westward, banned. 

Though crowds of angry West Berliners confronted the wall builders (only to be dispersed with tear gas and water cannons) and the United States sent in extra troops as a symbolic gesture, fear of retaliation ruled out more forceful measures: A trade embargo against East Berlin was considered, but the Communists vowed to blockade West Berlin in response. Eventually, the East Germans encircled all of West Berlin with a fence topped by watchtowers. Travel restrictions for Westerners eased somewhat in the 1980s, but the wall, and all it stood for, remained intact for nearly three decades.

For more, we will be watching this documentary:

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Czechoslovakia and Poland

Here is the learning goal, scale, and student tracker for this UNIT.

Here are the reading on Czechoslovakia and Poland. Remember, you have understand:

   1) Why there was opposition to Soviet control in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968

2) Compare/Contrast the events in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.

This unit we will focus on the INTERNAL TENSIONS as well as the EXTERNAL TENSIONS of the Cold War in our understanding of the Fall of the Soviet Union


Define the following terms using:

Hungarian Revolution, Prague Spring, Nikita Khrushchev, Berlin Wall, East Germany,
West Germany, Solidarity, Soviet-Afghan War, Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika, Glasnost

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday 4/6/15

Read this website:

Answer these questions:

1. Why did Western leaders think that the Cold War was going to thaw after Khrushchev came into power?

2. How did Khrushchev actually increase tension?

3. What was happening in the United States that was also causing tension?

4. Analyze source E (politcal cartoon). What is the message of the cartoon?

5. Write a brief summary of the page

Due Tomorrow, thanks