Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gilded Age Assignment 12/1 and 12/2

The Gilded Age – please answer all questions with a separate piece of paper
Click on 36: The Gilded Age: http://www.ushistory.org/us/36.asp
1.       What was the Gilded Age?
2.       What is corruption? Why was it part of the Gilded Age?
36.a Go to this page now: http://www.ushistory.org/us/36a.asp
3.       What did the Pullman Car company produce?
4.       Why was the Transcontinental Railroad important?
5.       What is Manifest Destiny?
6.       What kind of immigrants worked on the railroads?
7.       What is the significance of Promontory Summit?
8.       Why was there a need for government to regulate railroads (Interstate Commerce Commission)?
36.b Go to this page (John D. Rockefeller): http://www.ushistory.org/us/36b.asp
9.       Who was John D. Rockefeller? What company did he control?
10.   What is a captain of industry? What is a robber baron? Are they really just the same thing?
11.   Why was oil such an important part of industrialization?
12. Who was Carnegie?
13. Why was Carnegie’s background important to him? Do you think this had to do with his giving/charities?
14. What type of things did Morgan invest in? Why was he so powerful?
15. Was Morgan necessarily a bad guy?

37.e: New  Attitudes toward wealth: http://www.ushistory.org/us/36e.asp

                16. What is Social Darwinism?
                17. What is the Gospel of Wealth?
                18. What is meant by the “American Dream” according to this section?

EXTRA CREDIT: Columbia World’s Fair - http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA96/WCE/title.html
19. Why was the Chicago Fair so important and popular?
20. Also, research H.H. Holmes here: http://www.inquisitr.com/2329164/who-was-hh-holmes-meet-the-serial-killer-leonardo-dicaprio-will-bring-back-to-life/ How was HH Holmes able to take advantage of the fair?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day Two (11/10) and Day Three (11/12)

1) The topics and sources are meant to guide you on your research

2) Assign roles to each student (read this to consider how you would like to assign these roles). One student will have to volunteer to record what is done each day. However students will be responsible to keep a journal of what they did over these two days and turn them into me at the end of Day Three.

3) Start doing research on your topic and compile a list of sources you will use for your presentation and essay. .org and .edu websites are almost always acceptable, but please check with Mr. Randall before using a source.  If you would like to use Wikipedia to familiarize yourself with the topic, go down to the resources section and check to see if there are any worthwhile sites. Do not cite Wikipedia, and Google is never cited either (google is a search engine, where you "land" from google is the source/site).

4) At the end of Day three, give me a rough draft, outline, or plan of your presentation and essay.



Monday, November 9, 2015

Industrial Revolution Project

The class will be divided into 5 groups. The groups will research one of the following: the telephone, the gramophone, the automobile, steel, or the textile industry. There will be 5 days of computer use in class.
The group will be responsible for (3) Journals, (1) timeline with agenda of each day, one (2) two page essay, and a presentation.
Instructions for Essay (35 points)
2 pages, typed, double-spaced. 12 point, Times Roman font. Citations in the same style you use in English class (minimum 1).
The purpose of this essay is to attempt to answer the investigative question: Why was this industry the most beneficial to Americans? You will need to introduce your topic in the context of the aftermath of Reconstruction. What was the state of the nation at this time period? What necessities led to the invention they are discussing? Who were the major players who introduced the new technologies? What major events surrounded the creation of those inventions?
Be sure to include quotes from interviews, books, or articles in their essays. Also be sure to refer to primary and secondary sources, quoting or describing them in support of your argument.
Instructions for Presentation (35 points)
Presentations may include but are not limited to the use of PowerPoint, Prezi, poster boards, videos, audio recordings or other methods approved by the instructor.
Each team member should participate in the presentation and explain the team’s research methods and work procedures. The presentation should attempt to answer the investigative question. Each group should take questions at the end of their presentations.
The presentation will be graded using the rubric from the Civil War project (without the number of slides requirement)
Group 1: Telephone
Observe A.G. Bell’s telephone patent notes and make predictions about the subject and year they were produced. What device are these notes referring to? Who might these notes be going to? What is the purpose of writing this information down? What year was this made?
This circular from 1879 details the controversy surrounding the true inventor of the telephone. Read an discuss the following questions at your table:

·Who was the true inventor of the telephone?
·Why did it matter who was granted the patent?
·What was at stake if one man lost the patent?
·How were telephones used in everyday life?                    
Group 2: Birth of the Recording Industry: Berliner’s Gramophone
This chart by Emile Berliner details the parts of his Gramophone. Browse his scrapbook to see how an inventor pieced together his work.
Here you can listen to one of the earliest sound recordings available at  the Library of Congress.
·         What type of jobs might have been created with the introduction of sound machines?
·         How were gramophones used in everyday life?
Group 3: Automobile
Here you can browse through pictures highlighting how the Ford car evolved over the years. This cartoon of a horse crying while riding in a car suggests the end of horses as the primary means of travel. Analyze the cartoon. This drawing shows that the idea of the ‘car’ goes back to the early 19th century.
·         Why did the models of Ford’s cars change over the years?
·         Who was most affected by the change from horses to cars?
·         What type of person worked for the automobile industry?
·         How were cars used in everyday life?
Group 4: Textiles
Analyze this cover of Harper’s Weekly showing a woman working in a factory. What is meant by the title? What might ‘New South’ mean? Does that give us any clue to when this might have been made? Analyze the working conditions and the child labor of the 19th and 20th centuries here:
·         What were the dangers of working in a textile factory?
·         How were textile products used in everyday life?
Group 5: Steel
Read this brief detail of steel in Pittsburgh. Andrew Carnegie built his wealth with his steel company and here students can read a brief biography of the magnate. This timeline of The Homestead Strike of 1892 displays the unrest and unfair treatment in the Pittsburgh steel companies. This sheet music shows what the common man thought of working conditions in the factories. The Pullman Strike of 1894 was carried out by railway workers protesting lower wages and unfair working conditions. President Cleveland supported the Pullman Company and sent in federal troops to break up the strikes.
·         What were conditions in a steel factory like?
·         How was steel used in everyday life?

Day One

Day One -
Step 1
Read American Industry after Reconstruction using the article “America at the Turn of the Century” (paper copy given to you)

Step 2
Each group should analyze their primary source using the primary source analysis tool. Each group should have one sheet per source. Students should fill out the sheet completely, recording what they know, the questions they have, and ideas about how to answer those questions.

Step 3
Each group should select one member to give a brief presentation of one of their primary
sources, selected together by the group. Students from other groups should be encouraged to ask questions about the primary sources on display. This is not a big deal, you just have to explain what the source shows to the class.

Friday, September 25, 2015

French Revolution Movie Project

Here is the assignment:

French Revolution Movie Project – Due Friday October 2nd
20 points summative, 20 formative
Movie Poster – Color, Non-Notebook Paper
Cast List – Typed, Double Spaced or done in color on non-notebook paper
2 Page Script – Typed, 12 Pt Double Spaced
1 Page Plot Summary – Typed, 12 Pt, Double Spaced

Turn in list of who did what in the group (3 to 4 students)

Here are MANY resources that can help you with journey:

Here is the rubric from which I will grade:

Quality (Color, Title, Creative)
Needs Improvement
Cast List
Quality (Typed or creative)
Needs Improvement
2 Page Script
Quality (Typed or creative)
Needs Improvement
1 Page Plot Summary
Quality (Typed or creative)
Needs Improvement

Friday, May 8, 2015

Student Survey


Study Guide

Here is the study guide for the final exam. Answer on paper as I don't know the computer availability when we are doing the final.  The document will continue to be updated so check back. I will make a note when it has been updated.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Iranian Revolution


We will review Iraq and the rise of Saddam Hussein

We will answer the following questions:

1) Review: How did Saddam take power in Iraq?

2) Why was oil important for Saddam?

Iranian Revolution

1)Why was there a revolution in Iran?

2) What type of revolution was it?
3) What role did the United States play in the Revolution?

4) How was this related to the Cold War?

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Saddam's Rise to Power

Reading Friday (read 15 minutes silently)

Friday and Monday, you will be making a comic strip of how Saddam Hussein rose to power in Iraq. If you need more than what we read already, here are some resources about Saddam's Rise to Power:

Colored pencils are over on the side of the room as well as markers, please put everything back neat. You do not need to draw well, I am more interested in the story than the art. Please have it ready to share on Tuesday.


Monday, April 27, 2015


Today you will be reading THIS article on the end of the Cold War:

Answer the following questions:

1) What did the end of the Cold War mean to the United States?

2) Did the United States actually win the Cold War?

3) Do you think terrorism (9/11) has impacted us as much as the Cold War?


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4/23 and 4/24

4/23 Administer Checkpoint
In both periods, students are to use the answer document (the bubble sheet) to answer the questions related to the Test.  The essay questions should be answered on the back. When the students are done, they can go to Randallhistory.blogspot.com and do the work for today and tomorrow.

If periods are quiet and do not talk during the test they will be given two points extra credit SUMMATIVE. MUST BE A GOOD SUB REPORT FOR BOTH DAYS.

4/24 Cold War review

1)     For the first 20 minutes, students are to silent read for reading Friday.  They can use their computers to read as long as they are reading and not facebooking.

In the section labeled “End of Cold War” have students do “Revise” and “Test” for Prague Spring, Détente, and the Collapse of Communism.

3)     Next, They should do the section labeled “Summary activities.” They can do all four, but the End of the Cold War is the most important.

4)     After, they can do fling the teacher. There are three now: 

(have students do all three - they can work together if they chose but they need to be working not goofing off)